Thursday, November 19, 2009

True about secretin is:

True about secretin is:

A. Increased gall bladder contraction and bicarbonate rich pancreatic fluid
B. Increased gastrin secretion
C. Gastric hypermotility
D. Increased enzyme rich pancreatic fluid

Answer is A and D.
A. Increased gall bladder contraction and bicarbonate rich pancreatic fluid
D. Increased enzyme rich pancreatic fluid.

  • Secretin is a linear polypeptide hormone, composed of 27 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 3055. It is a hormone that controls secretions into the duodenum, and also separately, water homeostasis throughout the body.
  • Acting as an anti-Mullerian hormone, it is produced by the S cells of the duodenum in the crypts of Lieberkuhn.
  • It regulates the pH of the duodenal contents via the control of gastric acid secretion and buffering with bicarbonate.
  • It is notable for being the first hormone to be identified in humans.
  • The secretin peptide is encoded by the SCT gene.
  • Secretin targets the pancreas, causing it to secrete a bicarbonate rich fluid that is released into the intestine.
  • It also enhances the effect of cholecystokinin in increasing the secretion of bile from the liver and gall bladder, and enzymatic secretions from the pancreas.
  • It reduces acid secretion from the stomach by inhibiting gastrin release from G cells.
  • Secretin at physiological doses inhibits gastric motility via a vagal afferent pathway.

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