Monday, October 19, 2009

Oral GTT after 5 days of fasting

After 5 days of fasting, a man undergoes oral GTT. True is all except:

A. Growth hormone levels are increased
B. Increased glucose tolerance
C. Decreased insulin levels
D. Glucagon levels are increased

Answer is B. Increased glucose tolerance.

 Blood sugar is at subnormal levels resulting in decreased glucose tolerance.
  • During the first few days of fasting Glycogenolysis provides the major and immediate source of glucose. However, the glycogen stores in the body serve as fuel reservoir only for a few days after which glucose levels begin to drop precariously.
  • Hypoglycemia is the result of this depletion. This then depresses insulin secretion and stimulates gluconeogenesis. This results in maintenance of blood sugar levels at a subnormal level.
  • Hormones which are antagonistic are increased. Hence,  increases in glucagon and growth hormone are normal regulatory mechanisms adopted by the body to prevent further disarray.

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