Thursday, February 11, 2010

Which of the following muscles is supplied by mandibular nerve?

Which of the following muscles is supplied by mandibular nerve?

A. Masseter
B. Buccinator
C. Tensor veli palati
D. Posterior belly of digastric

Answer is C. Tensor veli palati

Tensor veli palati is supplied by the mandibular nerve.
  • Masseter muscle is supplied by the masseteric nerve, a muscular branch of the mandibular nerve.
  • Buccinator is supplied by the facial nerve.
  • Tensor veli palati is supplied by the mandibular nerve directly. Hence, most appropriate answer.
  • Posterior belly of digastric is supplied by the facial nerve. Interestingly, the anterior belly of the same muscle is supplied by the mandibular nerve.
Points to REMEMBER:
  1. Mandibular Nerve: Originates from Ist Arch. Supplies: Tensor tympani, Tensor veli palati, mylohyoid, Anterior belly of digastric, Muscles of mastication (Masseter, Temporalis, Medial and Lateral pterygoid).
  2. Facial Nerve: Originates from IInd Arch. Supplies: Stapedius, Stylohyoid, Posterior belly of Digastric, Muscles of the face, Auricular muscles, Occipito frontalis (both bellies) and Platysma.
  3. Glossopharyngeal Nerve: IIIrd Arch. Supplies: Only Stylopharyngeus
  4. Superior Laryngeal Nerve and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: Originates from IVth and Vth Arches. Supplies: Muscles of Pharynx, Soft palate, Larynx

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