Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Normal gastric juice contains all except:

Normal gastric juice contains all except:

A. Na+
B. K+
C. Ca++
D. Mg++

Answer is C. Ca++

The gastric glands secrete about 2500 ml of gastric juice daily. Isn't it amazing?

Gastric Glands:

  • Mucus neck glands – secrete soluble mucus, very pale cytoplasm, lots of rough endoplasmic reticulum, located in neck of gastric glands, in between parietal cells. Cuboidal with basal nucleus,
  • Parietal cells – triangular cells with very very eosinophillic (red) cytoplasm, narrow apical part that points towards pit, large cell with large nucleus. Located in neck and partially the isthmus of gastric pit.
  • Chief cell – small, cuboidal, basophillic cell, highest in number at base of gland so look for them there.
  • Enteroendocrine cell – very faint cell with LARGE nucleus, (unlike parietal, which is very red normally), smaller than parietal cell, has paracrine secretion, secrete not into pit, but into lamina propria.

Originate from endoderm but become endocrine, part of GEP cells system (Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic), but can also say is part of APUD (neural crest origin)

More details on anatomy of the stomach can be obtained from the following link:

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