Thursday, November 12, 2009

HCL secretion is stimulated by:

HCL secretion is stimulated by:

A. Secretin
B. Somatostatin
C. Histamine
D. Gastrin

Answer is C and D. C. Histamine D. Gastrin

Gastrin is a hormone which is produced by G-cells in the lateral wall of glands in the gastric antral mucosa.
  • It stimulates gastric acid secretion and pepsin secretion.
  • Its stimulates growth of the mucosa of stomach, small and large intestine.
  • It promotes gastric emptying
  • It stimulates insulin secretion
  • Any stimuli that influences gastrin secretion indirectly affects acid secretion in the stomach.
Stimuli that promote gastrin secretion are:
  • Luminal: Peptides and amino acids, distension
  • Blood borne: Calcium, Epinephrine
  • Neural: Increased vagal discharge via Gastrin releasing polypeptide (GRP) which is noncholinergic.
Stimuli that inhibit gastrin secretion are:
  • Luminal: Acid, Somatostatin
  • Blood borne: Secretin, GIP, VIP, Glucagon, Calcitoni
- Total acid secretion depends on the functional parietal cell mass.
- Acid secretion is stimulated by Histamine via H2 receptor and Acetylcholine via M3 receptors
- H2 blockers like ranitidine decrease gastric secretion but proton pump inhibitors like pantoprazole blocks gastric acid secretion.

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