Sunday, July 11, 2010

The arachnoid villi responsible for cerebrospinal fluid absorption protrude mainly in the:

The arachnoid villi responsible for cerebrospinal fluid absorption protrude mainly in the:

A. Superior saggital sinus
B. Inferior saggital sinus
C. Straight sinus
D. Transverse sinus

Following radical mastectomy in a patient with carcinoma breast, winged scapula is due to injury to the:

On examination following surgical removal of a firm nodular cancer swelling in the right breast and exploration of the right axilla, a patient is found to have a winged scapula. This occurred due to injury to the:

A. Subscapular muscle
B. Coracoid process of scapula
C. Long thoracic nerve
D. Circumflex scapular artery

A 16-year-old disgruntled with failure attempts suicide by cutting her wrist. A superficial cut was noted on the wrist. All of the following structures have been damaged, EXCEPT:

A 16-year-old girl failed in her final examination. Disgusted with her life, she cut across the front of her wrist at the flexor retinaculum. She was rushed to the hospital. The surgeon noticed that the cut was superficial. All the following structures would have been damaged, EXCEPT:

A. Ulnar Nerve
B. Median Nerve
C. Palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
D. Superficial branch of radial nerve

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Cells belonging to the following type of epithelium are provided with extra reserve of cell membrane:

The Cells belonging to the following type of epithelium are provided with extra reserve of cell membrane:

A. Transitional
B. Stratified Squamous
C. Stratified Cuboidal
D. Stratified Columnar

The Cell Junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called:

The Cell Junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between two cells are called:

A. Gap Junctions
B. Tight Junctions
C. Anchoring Junctions
D. Focal Junctions